Let's set up a signal
This section describes how the signal is routed to the system after the general settings have been made. please review it carefully.
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This section describes how the signal is routed to the system after the general settings have been made. please review it carefully.
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We made the necessary settings on the previous page and we got a menu like below.
Below we have created a signal called "EXAMPLE SIGNAL NAME" and designed it for "1 Hour". the signal will work as a spot buy. It sells at "5$". the estimated "Take Profi "t value is set to "1%" and the "Stop Loss" value is set to "1%". The price exchange where the signal is calculated: We set it to "Binance Spot" and specified that only binance usdt can be sent.
Then we specified that it occurs in the "1H", ie "1 Hour" time frame. In this signal we will use the EMA 20&50 crossover. If you want, you can give more details here, for example, you can enter the name of the TOKEN/COIN like "BTCUSDT" that the signal will work with, etc. and you can add images.
We set Signal Activation to Passive because we want to test the signal at first and we defined the trial period for the users below as 8 days.
After entering all the settings, we press the SAVE button and the following screen appears.