In this section we will look at how we can use viceversa in strategies using backtest.
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In this section we will look at how we can use viceversa in strategies using backtest.
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I will show you our engulf signal as an example. This signal works when the engulf candle is formed and the RSI is at a low level. but as you can see in the picture below. After 9 months of testing it didn't give a successful result but this doesn't mean that this strategy is wrong or works badly.
Above test method TP: 4 ST: 2% Long signal checked in Long test mode
As you can see, there is a loss of -$554. 254 tokens were signaled, totaling 200 failures and 54 successes.
Now we will do it in the opposite direction.
When we tested the long signal in the short direction with the same criteria, we reached the following result.
152 successful 102 fails
for a total profit of $546.
This shows us that one strategy, especially candle-based ones, can be used in different directions.